Is your water heater not making water hot as usual? Most people are frustrated when their water heater breaks down, as it no longer provides hot water. Fortunately, this problem can be resolved if it happens.
CONTINUE READINGCalifornia isn’t the only place where saving water has become a necessity. There are many places where water has become a scarce resource. It’s important not to take water for granted just because it “seems” readily available.
About one-third of homes in the United States rely on natural gas. Although it is a safe and efficient way to power and heat your home, gas leaks can prove to be very dangerous. Learn what gas leak signs and symptoms to watch for.
Cleaning your garbage disposal weekly will keep your plumbing appliance running smoothly and smelling fresh in the kitchen. Follow these simple steps to ensure you keep your garbage disposal clean and running smooth.
Has your shower drain started to clog up? If you notice a build-up of standing water during showers, you may need to investigate the health of your drain. Learn how to unclog your drain and how to prevent clogs in the future.